Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Makefile macro $@ and $^

$@ refers to the left side of the : and $^ refers to the right side.
The left side represents the object where as the right side represents the object's dependencies.

Took a while to find this actually, found it mid sentence in an explanation of an example make file.

List of macros:

Fundamental programming type sizes

Source: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc953fe1%28VS.71%29.aspx

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Woes of Microsoft Word and Visio 2010

Visio 2010...Why did I ever download you? Oh because you're new and people like new shiny things. You were also free because of MSDN through my school. Should've gone the old route with your older and more fun loving sibling though..

Can't get your lines in Visio 2010 to point the right way? Draw a line! That is, if you can find the option. You can't.

Right click the ribbon bar -> Customize -> Create a custom group on the right (mine is named "line" -> add the line capability.

Also if you don't want the same header for each page in Word, go to your ribbon, go to the "Page Layout" tab -> breaks -> next page. This should be done on the page before the page you want a different or no header on.

Now click on the header space in the page you want cleansed. The design tab should pop up. Unclick "Link to previous". Now you can clear the header space without clearing the header for the previous page.

Maybe there's an easier way but google failed me. Or I failed google? I don't care I have reports to write and diagrams to make.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Mealworms Drown

So..I've been raising mealworms for a project.

I put carrots in their tub and the majority of them won't touch it, I've also got oat bran in there so they can burrow and stuff. Well I thought they were maybe thirsty since I haven't been giving them water and they haven't been eating the carrots. I read online that some people sprinkle water. So I put a little water in the tub and it hits some worms on the way. The ones that get splashed on squirm like they're having a seizure and eventually stop, not moving at all. I think they died..

Anyway..don't water your mealworms, I guess I over did the "sprinkling".